Get 90 days of complete muscle building meal plans here
There is no debating that a high protein breakfast is important to getting your body ready for the day ahead. That said, unless you plan on eating steak and eggs every day…finding enough protein can be a challenge. I show you the exact way that I get 61 grams of protein to start my day, in just 3 minutes!
High protein breakfast options can sometimes bring with it lots of unwanted calories or saturated fats. For instance, while a piece of bacon is never going to kill you (despite what some anti fat fanatics would have you believe), making a habit of eating it every day in high enough amounts to deliver the protein you’re after could be detrimental long term.
That said, I decided to shoot this video to show you the two things I eat most mornings (along with a bowl of my pumpkin oatmeal) to get a protein boost before I even leave the house. With 7 egg whites and an ultra high quality whey isolate protein (ATHLEAN-Rx2), I’m able to deliver the nutrients my muscles need after breaking the long fast from sleeping.
Not only will you be able to more easily achieve your daily protein intake goals but you will simply be supplying your muscles and body with the fuel it needs to get you going. Most bodybuilders and athletes realize just how important their nutrition and meal plans are to their physiques and performance. If you haven’t quite nailed your nutrition yet it could be that you are trying to select from muscle building foods that just aren’t practical. Maybe you don’t like a particular food? Maybe the foods you are choosing are just too hard to prepare?
In order for a meal plan to help you build muscle to be effective, it needs to be one that can be followed consistently. The key to consistency with eating is finding foods that taste good and are easy to prepare. The ATHLEAN X-Factor meal plans and Rx supplements make it easy for you to get high quality protein and food for fueling your muscle growth.
The meal plans are 90 days of complete meal options for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and supplementation. If you want to get these exact eating plans that pro athletes use to perform at their best and build muscle while burning fat, be sure to head to and get your complete A-X program.
For more nutrition tips and muscle building meal plan videos be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at