More Insane Ab Exercises!
There are ab exercises like crunches, planks and medicine ball ab twists and then there are ab exercises that help you train your core like never before! In this video, you’ll find 23 of the hardest, most insane new ab exercises that will help you to start carving out that six pack stomach fast.
When it comes to getting a ripped six pack, it really does come down to two things. Good nutrition and an ab workout plan that actually challenges your abs. Too many times we will rely on the same old ab exercises since they are familiar or comfortable to do. The problem is, that is exactly the opposite of what is going to get your abs to respond.
I always say, if you want a hard core then you better start doing some hard core and ab exercises like these.
In this video you’ll find ab exercises to help you get a 6 pack fast like the serpent, dead man hang and the chisel. The key is variety and the ability to hit the abs from all angles, including the obliques, upper abs and lower abs as well.
Complete ab workouts must include exercises for your abs that involve standing rotation, lying rotation, isometric abdominal contraction, top down ab muscle contraction, and bottom up ab activation.
Watch these 23 crazy ab exercises and see how many you can do and then head over to to get a complete workout program that not only works your abs until it’s six pack ready, but also your entire body.
For more ab workouts and total body workouts from us, be sure to check out our youtube channel here at