More Healthy MUSCLE BUILDING Snacks:
When it comes to building muscle you’ve probably been told that your ultimate results are dependent on your nutrition in large part. Well, the meals that trips most guys up on their path to more muscle are the midday and midmorning snacks. In this video I show you 5 healthy snacks that you can use that are not only easy to prepare but have the right protein content in them to keep you from losing the muscle you’ve been working out hard to build.
Some of the keys to a good muscle building snack are that they have to be the following:
– High in protein
– Contain some carbs
– Must be portable
– Must be easy to prepare (minimal prep time)
– Must be able to be eaten quickly and discreetly
It’s this last point that most healthy snacks miss. Sometimes you work a job that doesn’t allow you to take a designated lunch time. When that’s the case you have to be able to eat on the run and sometimes continue on with work while you do it.
Things like the protein shake that you can sip on without making a big deal out of it, the turkey jerky and finger food grape tomatoes does the same thing. Protein bars (particularly the ones not loaded in sugar that make great muscle building meal options) are always great since they are super portable.
Look, most guys want to build a bigger body, develop more muscle and look better and they do every chest workout, back workout, and six pack abs workout they can to do it, but they overlook the most important component that must be there if they are to ever see the results of their workout efforts…and that is great nutrition.
Start with these 5 healthy muscle building high protein snacks and then head to to get the “X”-Factor meal plan that comes with the 90 day workout program that provides you with 40+ more options for building muscle with even more breakfast, lunch and dinner options! If you want to look like an athlete, you’ve got to eat like an athlete. Now you can!