Add up to an inch or more to your arms in just 6 weeks here…
If you want to experience maximal gains in your arms, you will need to learn how to stretch your biceps the right way. Muscles left unstretched tend to lose their capacity for maximal growth. In the case of the biceps, we tend to hold them in a partially flexed position all day long through the activities that we commonly do. If we are on the phone or at the computer, the elbows remain bent, which prevents the biceps from experiencing full length.
In this video, I show you the right way to stretch your biceps so that you can overcome this limitation and start adding serious size to your arms from your hard training. The first step to stretching your biceps out is to obviously straighten the elbow. With the main role of the bicep to flex the elbow, you will want to get that straight to put the biceps on stretch. Next, this muscle functions to supinate the forearm. You can actually see this yourself by simply twisting your forearm over and back and watch the biceps flex and relax.
To stretch the biceps, you’ll want to pronate or turn your forearm down towards the ground with the elbow extended or straightened. Next, you will want to put your arm back behind your body. This part is the one that often goes overlooked. The biceps, because of the attachment of the long head in the shoulder, will flex the arm forward and lift the shoulder. Therefore in order to fully stretch out the biceps you need to be sure that you extend the arm.
From here, you can intensify the stretch on your biceps by actively contracting the triceps. Via the principle of reciprocal inhibition, you can neurologically turn off the muscle by contracting the muscle on the opposite side of the joint. In this case, that is the triceps. This activation of the triceps will allow the biceps to be more relaxed and therefore more susceptible to the stretch you are trying to place upon them.
Finally, with a slight lean away and to the side of the arm that you are stretching, you can put one last additional bit of tension on the muscle. This acts by spreading the distance between the attachment of the biceps in the glenoid from the position of the bicipital groove on the upper arm. This small but important tweak on the movement further intensifies the stretch that you’ll feel on your biceps as you do this.
As always, you’ll want to hold this stretch for about 45-60 seconds to get the benefits of it. With this being a passive stretch, it is best to perform them at night before going to bed. That said, since your arms will tend to get tight from being posturally shortened throughout the day, you can do this at regular intervals to help loosen them up.
For a complete arm training program that is geared at adding serious size to your arms while giving you the latest advances in sports training, be sure to head to and get the Ultimate Arms program. Put up to an inch or more on your arms in just 6 weeks and feel how strong your arms will get by training like an athlete.
For more biceps exercises and workouts for big arms, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at