Build bigger, more defined shoulders by training like an athlete here…

Choosing the twelve best shoulder exercises can be challenging, when you consider how many you’ve likely done in all your shoulder workouts combined. That said, this video does just that, showing you 12 killer shoulder exercises to help you big bigger delts from every angle!

Among the best exercises for your shoulders are ones that target your medial or side delts, front delts and the often overlooked rear deltoids. For those training at a gym, I show you exercises you can do with barbells, plates and dumbbells. For those that prefer to do home shoulder exercises and workouts, I’ve got you covered with resistance band and bodyweight shoulder movements.

The key to this video is, I don’t just show you the exercises, I tell you why I feel they qualify as one of the best twelve you can do to add mass and muscle definition to your upper body. Some of the exercises are athletic and functional, others allow for more muscle overload, and still others are more explosive allowing you to lift more weight.

See how many of these shoulder exercise choices you’ve been doing in your shoulder workouts and more importantly, find which ones you should be doing!

Lots of thought and deliberation went into selecting the best choices. I clearly did not want to limit it to dumbbell shoulder exercises or just those going for size. I wanted to provide the most comprehensive list of shoulder workout movements that not only helped you build more impressive and defined muscles but that were also safe.

The shoulder joint is one of the most commonly injured in the entire body. Most of the time, injuries to this joint come from selecting the wrong movements like upright rows and behind the neck shoulder presses. I did an entire video on why these moves are unhealthy and should be avoided. You can find that on our channel.

In the meantime, for a complete workout program that helps you build much more than just big shoulders…but an entirely ripped athletic physique, head to and get the pro athlete endorsed ATHLEAN-X Training System.

For more shoulder workout tips and the best exercises for building bigger shoulders, be sure to subscribe to our youtube channel at