Build muscle and burn fat naturally training like an athlete…

Wow, did that Zac Efron workout and diet plan video cause an uproar or what. If you haven’t seen it, you owe it to yourself to not only watch it on our channel but take some time to read through the comments section as well. The level of hatred spewed at Zac Efron was off the charts and the accusations of performance enhancing use was equally high.

Unaware of exactly what Zac does since I’m not a personal friend of his, I would hesitate to accuse him or anyone that looks better than me of cheating to do so (simply because they look better than me). That said, there is an all too common trend these days to do just that. Now while I’m perhaps the biggest advocate against the use of performance enhancing drugs on youtube, I would never let my guess of someone being on them make we want to give up on my own pursuit of achieving the best results I can naturally.

Not the case for many people however. It seems that many people will look for an out or an excuse not to have to train hard in pursuit of a better body. They argue, person A uses drugs in order to look a certain way. I am not willing to use drugs. Therefore I will never look like person A. So, rather than do anything at all to improve my physique, I will do nothing.

That is not the way to look at it. In fact, if I shared the same view, I never would have stepped foot in a gym after my very first visit. I was no doubt the smallest guy in the gym. I was surrounded by guys much larger than me. In fact, many of them it turned out were using drugs to look that way. You know what? I never let that distract me from my goal of doing everything I could to improve my physique to whatever it was capable of. If it meant looking good but being outweighed by some of the behemoths by a lot, then so be it.

In the case of Zac Efron, here is young guy standing 5 foot 10 inches tall at a weight of just about 165 to 170 pounds. He is not a big man by any stretch. Rumored body fat levels for Zac are around 5 percent. While it is not easy to look as good as he does, I would certainly not rule it out as unobtainable! That said, many say just that. They think that nobody can ever look as good as Zac Efron without the use of performance enhancing drugs.

Do me a favor. Don’t sell yourself short. Instead, focus on training as hard as you can and being as serious as you can about not only your workouts but your nutrition. You will be amazed at what you are capable of. In fact, if you never have experienced heavy weight training (as Zac Efron reportedly never had) then you will likely also be in store for some significant gains.

The bottom line however is this. Whether Zac used something or not to make this transformation (many will be on both sides of the fence on this one), the important thing is what your thoughts on the matter ultimately make YOU do. Do your thoughts cause you to press the gas pedal and try even harder to max out your potential naturally or do they make you pack in the weights for good, thinking that knitting is a hobby better suited to you?

Don’t be distracted by what others do. Instead, focus on what you can do with your head in the right place. I hope I can be a positive role model and inspiration for you for what is possible through hard work and consistency. If you want help developing that consistency and need a program that spells out exactly what to do workout by workout and meal by meal, head to and get the ATHLEAN-X Training System.

For Zac Efron’s workout and diet plan video as well as key elements of his training that have led to what we now refer to as the Zac Efron body, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at