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Hernias and working out often go hand in hand. Many times, those that lift weights either recreationally or for a living find themselves looking at the prospect of a hernia surgery to repair the damage done by lifting heavy weights. The crazy thing is however, you don’t have to lift heavy at all to get a hernia, you just have to be lifting a certain way and the rest is history.
I actually covered this topic in a previous video and show you what type of exercises to be conscious of when you are performing them if you want to try and minimize the risk of hernia. You can view that video here:
Hernias from Working Out (COMPLETE GUIDE!)
In this video, I answer one of our loyal athlean-x viewers questions about what to expect following hernia surgery regarding working out. As someone who has had one inguinal hernia surgery already (and unfortunately heading for a second) I can tell you that it’s not as bad as you think, but it certainly isn’t all roses and rainbows.
That said, you can do some things to speed up your recovery if you understand the benefits of the procedure that was done. In my case (and as is often the case) you will get to do the procedure laproscopically. This provides far less disturbance of the tissues and muscle than does an open operation. The laproscope places a mesh on the inside of the cavity that than gets sutured in place and held in place by your own natural intra abdominal pressure.
As long as you can deal with a bit of the post surgical discomfort you can be assured that you won’t damage the repair if you develop some normal pressure from the inside out. This allowed me to start some gentle core strengthening exercises like posterior pelvic tilts, modified planks on knees and elbows, and isometric contractions.
As soon as I was able to tolerate more work as the pain and discomfort subsided, I moved onto harder and harder ab exercises. I refrained from lifting heavy weights during the initial 4 weeks or so since I didn’t want to compensate on the non operative side and wind up doing damage to it. I wasn’t so worried about the side that had been repaired.
The most difficult thing to do was hang from a bar and this took the longest to return to full strength. One need only to try and do this and keep their body still to realize just how much of a demand this places on the abs and the very muscles that have been disrupted in order to perform the surgery.
If you found this helpful and want to get your question answered in an upcoming AX JEFF video, be sure to send in your video question to Make sure to start your question with “My name is… from…. and my AX Jeff question is”
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