Of all the muscle building meal plan tricks that I know, I would have to say that this 3 minute masterpiece is the most helpful because it addresses the biggest mistake that guys make when trying to get ripped.

They leave in the morning without a plan for eating. Their meal plans suffer and their strategies for eating for muscle building goals is flawed. You can’t simply just leave the house in the morning with no healthy food in hand and expect that you’re going to eat well that day. Burning fat and building muscle just isn’t that easy. If it was…everybody would be doing it!

So check out this simple 3 minute trick in the morning that will get your body burning fat and pump up your metabolism for a full 8 hours!

When you’re done with this, be sure to come check out for more ways to build muscle with the X-Factor muscle building meal plans. With over 40 meal options for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks, you’ll never find it easier to burn fat and get AthLEAN!