Pick your program here – http://athleanx.com/x/my-workouts
Subscribe to this channel here – http://bit.ly/2b0coMW

As we approach 4 million subscribers, I’m putting the power into your hands. You get a chance to decide what Jesse and I will compete in to celebrate this YouTube milestone! Make sure you leave a comment about what you think we should do. Keep in mind, I already win the looks competition. Thank you for making this channel the go to source in fitness. As always, my promise to you is to continue to raise the bar and bring you my absolute best. We are only just getting started.

If you are looking for a program that will show you the step by step workouts and meal plans that have helped millions of others to build muscle and get ripped at the same time, head to http://athleanx.com and get our ATHLEAN-X Training System.

For the best workout and fitness videos, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on youtube at http://youtube.com/user/jdcav24