Stop doing marathon ab workouts and start getting results here…
Beginner ab workouts are usually filled with ab exercises that encourage high reps without paying attention to form or intent. The problem with this is that doing ab workouts like this will likely keep you a beginner forever without ever helping you to get a chiseled six pack. In this video, I cover the biggest beginner abs workout mistake that will prevent you from getting your most visible and developed abs from your ab workouts.
The more ironic thing about this ab workout mistake is that even the most advanced and seasoned gym goers or lifters will continue to make this error after years of training. There is a tendency to slip into this mistake since it is the easier way to do your ab exercises.
The problem covered here is the prioritization of increasing the number of reps that you do in your abs workouts rather than focusing solely on the intensity and quality of those reps. When rep counting becomes your obsession you tend to overlook the importance of the effort that you are putting into your reps. You may even cut back on the range of motion of the exercise or the strength of the contraction in order to be sure you still have some energy left in the tank to complete the number of reps you initially set out to complete.
This is a mistake. In order to get more from your ab workouts you will want to simply stop counting your reps. Focus only on how much you can actually intensify the contraction of your abs on every rep. This may mean that instead of getting 100 reps done in a complete ab workout, you will only get 40 done. So what? As long as those 40 repetitions are all high in quality, you’re good to go. Doing 100 low intensity reps is nowhere near equal to performing much fewer high quality reps.
I use the example of the ab scissors in this video. Rather than focusing on how long you can keep your abs in the air, try to figure out a way to make the exercise harder by increasing the contribution of the abdominals. Minimize the hip flexors and you will find that you not only avoid some low back pain but you increase the work being done by the abs.
This concept of maximizing workout intensity is key to building the body of a professional athlete. You will want to train hard but keep your workouts short in order to allow for recovery if you want to give yourself the best chance of having a six pack year round. Head to and get the complete ATHLEAN-X Training System to start training like an athlete today.
For more beginner ab workouts and ab exercises you can do at home or at the gym, be sure to subscribe to our channel here on